RCofP News
God’s Attributes | خدا کی صفات
The following article, God’s Attributes, is part of The Basics — An Introduction to Christian Doctrine by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. It has been translated into Urdu and posted with permission.
Free Download: Survey of the Old Testament in Urdu (Part 1)
Praise be to God! The Urdu translation of Survey of the Old Testament (Part 1), authored by Pastor Philip Gardiner and translated by Pastor Arslan Ul Haq, has been completed…
The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit | روح القدس کی شخصیت اور کام
The following article, The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit, is part of The Basics — An Introduction to Christian Doctrine by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. It has been translated…
The Deity of Jesus Christ | یسوع مسیح کی الوہیت
The following article, The Deity of Jesus Christ, is part of The Basics — An Introduction to Christian Doctrine by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. It has been translated into Urdu and…
The Holy Trinity | پاک تثلیث
The following article, The Holy Trinity, is part of The Basics — An Introduction to Christian Doctrine by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. It has been translated into Urdu and posted with…
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