Islaahi Kalisiya-e-Pakistan


There are four different assemblies that govern ministry within the Reformed Church of Pakistan:

  • Consistory
  • Classis
  • Regional synod, and
  • General Synod

Oversees a congregation

Key responsibilities:

  • Guides the ministry of the church to meet needs in the community and the world
  • Calls ministers to serve the church
  • Provides worship for the spiritual benefit of God’s people

Who can serve in this assembly?
Elders and deacons elected by the congregation and the congregation’s installed minister(s)

Oversees consistories and ministers within its bounds

Key responsibilities:

  • Ordains, installs, and oversees ministers; commissions and oversees commissioned pastors; every RCofP minister of Word and sacrament or commissioned pastor is under the care of a classis
  • Receives new congregations and organizes them as local churches
  • Oversees students who are studying to become ministers in the RCofP

Who can serve in this assembly?
Ministers who are members of the classis and elder delegates from churches in the classis

The Reformed Church of Pakistan has four classes; the Southern Classis, Southeastern Classis, Central Classis, and Northern Classis, each led by its own moderator and clerk. Our Classes meets in March, June, September and December. These meetings are open to everyone, including church members and anyone who wants to know more about the Christian gospel and our role in sharing it. People who are curious about how our church works and want to think about working with us in the future also usually come to these meetings. We welcome them warmly.

Regional Synod
Oversees classes in a region

Key responsibilities:

  • Oversees interests and concerns of the classes within its bounds
  • Creates programs to further the work of the gospel and denomination in the region

Who can serve in this assembly?
Minister and elder delegates from the classes

General Synod
Oversees ministry of the denomination

Key responsibilities:

  • Sets the direction and tone for denominational ministry
  • Exercises authority in all matters relating to denominational programs and policies

Who can serve in this assembly?
Elders and ministers representing each classis and regional synod

The General Synod is primarily made up of elders and ministers, sent from classes and regions as voting delegates. It also includes corresponding delegates — who can speak to issues on the floor but can’t vote, make motions, or hold office — who represent boards, commissions, and others within the Reformed Church of Pakistan.
Each five years, the General Synod gathers to shape the direction of the denomination.
The General Synod functions through the General Synod Council, commissions, and agencies of the Reformed Church of Pakistan.

General Synod Council
The General Synod Council is the executive committee of the RCofP’s General Synod.
The General Synod Council (GSC) carries out the work of the General Synod between synod meetings. It focuses on enabling the RCofP’s participation in God’s work in the world, and equipping congregations and assemblies for mission and ministry.
The General Synod Council has different people with special roles, like; Moderator, Vice-Moderator, General Secretary, Executive Secretary, Finance Secretary, Treasurer, and Representative For International Relations.

General Synod Commissions
Commissions are standing committees of the General Synod established to advise the General Synod body in particular areas of the life of the church.
Commissions report to the General Synod. They provide a written report on their activities along with any recommendations for action they wish General Synod to consider. Commissions also receive assignments from the General Synod by means of recommendations approved by General Synod that are assigned to them for action.

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