Islaahi Kalisiya-e-Pakistan

Why Do the 5 Solas Matter Today?

The Five Solas define what the Gospel is and what we must therefore believe. A study of them as laid out in this study series will enable us to be better equipped to declare the Gospel in a Scriptural manner and will also aid us in our defence of the faith, for each is a fundamental truth that cannot be forsaken. This study is derived from the booklet Why Do the 5 Solas Matter Today? published by the Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster, and has been translated into Urdu with their kind permission. We sincerely thank them for granting us this permission. The translation was carried out by Pastor Arslan Ul Haq of the Reformed Church of Pakistan.

Bible Verse of the Day

Then God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way; and God relented from the disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it.


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