The Basics — An Introduction to Christian Doctrine
The Holy Trinity | پاک تثلیث
The following article, The Holy Trinity, is part of The Basics — An Introduction to Christian Doctrine by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. It has been translated into Urdu and posted with…
The Sufficiency of Scripture | بائبل مقدس کی کفایت
The following article, The Sufficiency of Scripture, is part of The Basics — An Introduction to Christian Doctrine by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. It has been translated into Urdu and posted…
The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible | بائبل مقدس کا الہام اور اختیار
The following article, The Inspiration and Authority of the Bible, is part of The Basics — An Introduction to Christian Doctrine by Dr. Kim Riddlebarger. It has been translated into…
In the Beginning-God | خدا ابتدا میں
Dr. Kim Riddlebarger, pastor emeritus of Christ Reformed Church (URCNA), served as senior pastor from 1995 until his retirement in December 2020. He was a long-time co-host of the radio…
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